I overheard a conversation in a Starbucks last week…
Older Guy: “So how is work”.
Younger Guy: “Incredibly busy. In fact, so busy I never
have time to sit and think”.
Older Guy: “So
how do you know you are working on the right stuff”.
Younger Guy: “I don’t".
Thinking. What a concept.
I am a pretty good listener and like to notice stuff around
me. I see marketing professionals I know who are so tethered to their online
activities, heavy project load and busy life that I wonder if anyone spends
time thinking anymore.
It is an old school technology that goes on when you sit
quietly and daydream. Links can occur and can help you realize how burdened we
are with doing the wrong stuff. Your task list is filled with paper to push
along and stuff that you said you would do for others.
But when you sit back and think - where should you place
your energy.
Thinking is an odd habit that can look like you are doing
nothing and being unproductive. Yet, it can be one of the best time management
investments. If I didn't schedule my thinking hour each week, my marketing team and I would be working on way too many low value activities. Fewer is always better than many if they are the right things to be doing.
Thinking and its partner quiet time; can help you truly
understand where the leverage points in your efforts exist. It can help you
determine should I do this or that. It sounds simplistic but it can help you to
stop doing things as you ask yourself why keep working on activities that can't help
you achieve your top goals?
The smartest strategic marketers I know spend lots of quiet time thinking.
Set Up A Personal Thinking Meeting
scheduling one hour per week of thinking on your calendar without an agenda.
Stay off line, take the phone off the hook and don’t give yourself a specific agenda to follow. See where
you mind wanders as you only stare at your TO DO list of tasks in front of
you. What rises to the level of
important, powerful and a catalyst to growth?
Allow yourself a chance for your brain to wander and to
ruminate. I like to keep a pen and paper handy to draw or sketch a thought or
two or even to doodle. Often by the end of the allotted time, something important
emerges that becomes clearer. I may realize that of all my things to do; only
one is really worth the time and investment. I may see a connection that helps
demonstrate a big value to your organization that success with a certain activity
can bring. You start crossing stuff off of your list and you realize, lots of
things are less worthy ideas.
Thinking is like the silence in between the notes in a musical score.
Go ahead. Think about it.
Labels: Marketing Moments, quiet time, Thinking