Seth Godin- One of my marketing heroes
Copyright Seth Godin |
I have never met Seth Godin although he has been one
of my marketing heroes for a long time. His ideas have
significantly influenced my view of marketing. Since I never studied marketing
in college or graduate school, I feel as if I received the best education
watching, listening and reading his work. Few people can tell a story and making the complex simple. And I always sense a
great deal of joy in his work and the pleasure he takes in teaching and mentoring.
Seth recently republished a list that is a wonderful overview about what marketing is and isn’t. I learn
something every time I review it and indeed and want to share it with you.
You can follow Seth and his work by googling the
word Seth. If you don’t get his daily blogs via email, you are missing a great
jump start to any marketer’s day. This is a link to his popular blog. Seth.
What do
you know?
Three years ago, I published this list, which was very much a
riff, not a carefully planned manifesto. It has held up pretty well. Feel free
to reprint or otherwise use, as long as you include a credit line. I've added a
few at the bottom...
What Every Good Marketer
Anticipated, personal and
relevant advertising always does better than unsolicited junk.
Making promises and
keeping them is a great way to build a brand.
Your best customers are
worth far more than your average customers.
Share of wallet is
easier, more profitable and ultimately more effective a measure than share of
Marketing begins before
the product is created.
Advertising is just a
symptom, a tactic. Marketing is about far more than that.
Low price is a great way
to sell a commodity. That’s not marketing, though, that’s efficiency.
Conversations among the
members of your marketplace happen whether you like it or not. Good marketing
encourages the right sort of conversations.
Products that are
remarkable get talked about.
Marketing is the way your
people answer the phone, the typesetting on your bills and your returns policy.
You can’t fool all the
people, not even most of the time. And people, once unfooled, talk about the
If you are marketing from
a fairly static annual budget, you’re viewing marketing as an expense. Good
marketers realize that it is an investment.
People don’t buy what
they need. They buy what they want.
You’re not in charge. And
your prospects don’t care about you.
What people want is the
extra, the emotional bonus they get when they buy something they love.
Business to business
marketing is just marketing to consumers who happen to have a corporation to
pay for what they buy.
Traditional ways of
interrupting consumers (TV ads, trade show booths, junk mail) are losing their
cost-effectiveness. At the same time, new ways of spreading ideas (blogs,
permission-based RSS information, consumer fan clubs) are quickly proving how
well they work.
People all over the
world, and of every income level, respond to marketing that promises and
delivers basic human wants.
Good marketers tell a
People are selfish, lazy,
uninformed and impatient. Start with that and you’ll be pleasantly surprised by
what you find.
Marketing that works is
marketing that people choose to notice.
Effective stories match
the worldview of the people you are telling the story to.
Choose your customers.
Fire the ones that hurt your ability to deliver the right story to the others.
A product for everyone
rarely reaches much of anyone.
Living and breathing an
authentic story is the best way to survive in an conversation-rich world.
Marketers are responsible
for the side effects their products cause.
Reminding the consumer of
a story they know and trust is a powerful shortcut.
Good marketers measure.
Marketing is not an
emergency. It’s a planned, thoughtful exercise that started a long time ago and
doesn’t end until you’re done.
One disappointed customer
is worth ten delighted ones.
In the googleworld, the
best in the world wins more often, and wins more.
Most marketers create
good enough and then quit.
Greatest beats good enough every time.
There are more rich
people than ever before, and they demand to be treated differently.
Organizations that manage
to deal directly with their end users have an asset for the future.
You can game the social
media in the short run, but not for long.
You market when you hire
and when you fire. You market when you call tech support and you market every
time you send a memo.
Blogging makes you a
better marketer because it teaches you humility in your writing.
Obviously, knowing what
to do is very, very different than actually doing it.
If you haven't seen Seth speak, listen to his Ted (Technology Entertainment and Design) talk. It runs about 17 minutes. In it he explains how marketing has changed and how important it is to be leading a tribe. Inspirational, educational and funny.
Seth Godin Speaks at TED talks on the Tribes
Thank you Seth. Keep 'em coming.
All rights reserved. This list is the property of Seth Godin. If you share it, please credit him.
Labels: Marketing Heroes, Seth Godin, TED talks, What Every Good Marketer Knows